Harbour Dues
What are Harbour dues?
The harbour dues are in place to cover the cost of our Harbour Master, Buoyage & administration expenses such as safety codes, incident recording, law enforcement etc.
Who Needs to Pay?
All vessels using our river need to pay a fee.
Please see the information below for details, charges and how to pay.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Paying Online
The simplest way to pay is online.
Please complete or download our Harbour Dues form and then click the ‘Pay Now’ button in the appropriate section below.
Recreational Vessels
& Liveaboards
Vessels that spend more than 14 days in any calendar year within the Haven’s waters are charged the standard dues.
Occasional Visitors
Leisure vessels & day visitors
Any vessel that launches and uses the river or that transits the Port & Haven section of the river, including leisure vessels and day visitors.
Commercial Vessels
All commercial vessels operating within the Port & Haven jurisdiction must pay commercial fees. All vessels must be coded.
Passenger Vessels
All passenger vessels operating within the Port & Haven jurisdiction must pay passenger landing fees. Passenger carrying vessels operating on the river must have a Skipper with a minimum of an RYA/MCA commercially endorsed Coastal Skipper qualification. All vessels must be coded.
Other ways to pay
You also can pay by:
- Cheque made out to ‘Sandwich Port & Haven’ sent or delivered to the address on the Contact Page.
- Direct Bank Transfer to our account.
Sort code: 20 17 92 Account: 10781371 - International Banking Number:
IBAN: GB28 BARC 2017 92 10781371 - Cash payments are accepted at our office at the Guildhall, Sandwich, which is open 10am-1pm and 1.30pm-4pm.
Please make sure you provide your name and vessel name with any payments!